Tuesday, 5 December 2017


They say trees are a valuable natural resource and one to be taken care of and cherished. We all sure agree. Trees provide shade, purify the air, are house to many life forms and also hold the soil together. If we continue listing the benefits of trees, it could fill pages and you would probably get bored. Instead what we want to convey is that a good tree is sure a god’s gift and a pleasurable offering.
Did the mention of “good tree” make you thoughtful? Did it raise some questions?

Well. Here’s the answer. Yes, there is a good tree and a bad tree. A healthy tree is a good tree. A tree which is rotten, has died and is on the verge of unleashing a destructive havoc with its questionable strength is bad. When a tree develops problems and is a threat for the people and their structures, then one has to take the step and have it chopped and removed completely. Similarly tree stump removal is necessary if the thing is in the way and halts the smoothness of your backyard.  
Even if the dead tree in your backyard is of no bother to you, your neighbor is probably complaining that it is about to fall and create trouble. To help you resolve for the better of all, here are a few tips to keep in mind before deciding whether to get a tree cut or not.
o   Is it allowed?
There could be a state law regarding whether you can have a particular tree cut at the instance or not. Do consider this law and save yourself from getting government attention.
o   How much is too much?
There are certain parameters and methods to check if a tree has reached its extinction period or if it still can resist and strive. If half the trunk volume is damaged or rotten, it is advised to chop the thing down. The damage could be natural or due to other factors.
o   Does it breathe?
A tree which produces foliage lasting for a considerable duration indicates that it is healthy enough to survive and withstand the adversaries. It should be left to live for some more time.
o   Check for skin flaws!
A tree trunk which is normal and has no abnormal outgrowths and is clear of fungus indicates a healthy tree. If not, bring the axe!
o   Does it stand straight?
A perfectly healthy tree stands straight and does not lean. Sudden leaning of a tree indicates root weakness and a probable damage.
o   A valuable history lesson!
Lastly it is advised to check for the history of the tree and whether it has sustained any damage and issues in its lifetime. Chopping is advised for trees with a questionable record.
If the above remedies and recommendations suggest tree trimming and chopping, then Leatherface Tree Service is your partner in the job. The extensive tree trimming and stump removal services combined with maintenance and disease control are the things you require. We give you the best quality of the services with hallmark facilities.

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